Why are current map projections broken?
Maps are hugely important tools in our daily lives that influence our perception of the world. This perception is until today shaped by maps that have been created and used as tools for colonial endeavors and Western hegemonic claims. It is time to advance the representation of the world as it truly is - by equal area projection.
Mercator Projection
The 16th century Mercator Map came to shape how we see the world, but today, it has fallen in disrepute for multiple reasons:
Distortion of forms, shapes and sizes Northward bias and eurocentrism Gall-Peters Projection
The advancement of the Gall-formula by Arno Peters presaged a new era in map making. The maps are characterized by:
Proportionally-accurate depiction Reversed orientation, or South-up maps “The equal status of all peoples.” (Peters) HoBo-Dyer Projection
The HoBo-Dyer map is widely considered the best compromise in comparable projections because of:
Following the legacy of Arno Peters No distortion at 37.5° latitude Greater compression near the poles